Pomona Hope
Our Neighborhood

Our Neighborhood

Our Neighborhood

Pomona Hope is located in the heart of Pomona—the neighborhood approximately bounded by Holt and Mission Avenues to the North and South and Garey and Towne Avenues to the East and West.  In this densely populated urban neighborhood, the challenges of the City are acute.  According to recent Census data, only 66 percent of residents of this neighborhood are citizens of the United States. Only 27 percent of adults in the neighborhood have a high school education. Fifty-two percent of households live at or below the poverty level.  The majorities of those who are employed are hourly-rate and mostly non-union workers in the industry (42 percent) or in-service jobs (22 percent). Seventy-three percent rent while only 28 percent own or are purchasing their home.  As these figures indicate, residents in our neighborhood struggle with the everyday urban stresses of economic insecurity, crime, broken families, and troubled schools.  As a community-based organization, Pomona Hope is strategically located to work with and serve our neighbors in addressing these problems.